The Turaco Trail is Zimbabwe’s most beautiful and challenging hiking trail. It takes hikers on a journey through a vast mountain wilderness of wild rivers and waterfalls, forests, montane grasslands, valleys, gorges and mountain peaks.
The trail head is at FAR and WIDE Zimbabwe situated in the Mutarazi Falls National Park in Nyanga in Zimbabwe’s Eastern Highlands. The trail itself extends through a corridor of wilderness that connects the Mutarazi and Nyanga National Parks and winds its way up to the summit of Chikorokoto, down into the Pungwe Gorge and along the Pungwe River to its confluence with the Nyazengu. Here hikers have the choice of carrying on down the Pungwe River and back up along the Chikorokoto ridge to FAR and WIDE (usually a three night hike) or, for an extra two night hike, crossing the Pungwe at its confluence with the Nyazengu and taking on the challenge of the Nyazengu Loop which takes you up around the top of the Nyazengu Falls, along the beautiful Eastern Ridge and back down into the Pungwe Gorge or ultimately on up over Mt Nyangani, Zimbabwe’s highest mountain, and down to Aberfoyle Lodge in the Honde Valley.